Parent Contact Details

  • Preferred Sessions

    Please kindly note we have a minimum attendance of 2 Full Days each week. Please let us know if you have any flexibility in your chosen days, as this can be helpful to know when we are checking availability. This information can be added in the 'How did you hear about us?' box
  • On receipt of your information we will contact you to acknowledge receipt. Our busiest age groups are babies and the pre-school and there can sometimes be a waiting list. However we will be in touch to let you know how soon we are able to accommodate you. Once a place has been offered, a deposit is required within 7 working days to secure those sessions. The deposit is £100 which is deducted from your first invoice. Should your child subsequently not take up the place this deposit is non-refundable.

    If you find that you no longer need the place, please inform us as soon as possible and we will not retain the details on this application form.

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  • Contact Us

    Margaret McMillan Nursery School
    24 Hoe Street,
    PL1 2JA

    01752 664884

  • © 2017 Margaret McMillan Nursery School, Plymouth.